The PADI Rescue Diver Touch™ is an interactive, tablet based version of the PADI Rescue Diver manual that incorporates the PADI Rescue Diver Video. Student divers self-study by interacting with the Touch, then at the end of each section complete the Knowledge Review. After completing all five sections and Knowledge Reviews, student divers take the Rescue Diver Final Exam.
The PADI Rescue Diver Touch comes in a Digital Certification Pak, along with the Diving Accident Management Work Slate (digital), PADI Rescue Diver eManual, access to a web viewer version of the Touch and certification card processing.
Additional complementary products include:
- Rescue Diver Enhancement Pak (product no. 70820)
- Surface Marker Buoy (product no. 50277)
- Whistle (product. no. 50276)
*This product is designed to be used on devices running iOS6 or newer, and the two most recent versions of Android.